Company Bio

The idea for Phillips Performance was to create products that were difficult to find in the market, and that were designed to solve a specific need. Since that time, we have been working to create and locate high-quality products that are both difficult to find and well thought-out. We also make available to our customers various vendors that have unique products that we would like to use. 

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Bill PHillips Bio

Bill’s hobbies were set in stone at an early age when Bill’s parents presented him with a choice of athletics or owning a car.  This was followed by choice of attending college for Automotive design engineering, and that was followed by the money motivation of a poor college student to switch majors.  

The next phase of life returned Bill to his passion and ultimately enabled him to return to his true passion of making things his way.  The products offered by Phillips Performance reflect the desire to have a vehicle that stands out from the rest without being overstated.  While this company was recently founded after long hard evenings in the shop trying to find ways to make things unfound, the quality of the product has not been sacrificed for the sake of money. 

Not having Phillips Performance as a major source of income allows creativity without the constraints of needed income from it.  We hope you enjoy anything you buy from Phillips Performance.